Saturday, December 15, 2012

"We've been through this too many times"- a personal reflection

I've written and rewritten this post a dozen times already. It's difficult to find the words to say after a tragedy like yesterday.

I didn't know any of the children or adults murdered yesterday. I know someone who did, but personally I didn't. And yet, I mourned with the nation yesterday and tears flowed out of my eyes as I watched our President address the nation. Every single person had the same thoughts cross their minds: How could something like this happen?

The President said yesterday, "As a nation, we have been through this too many times." He's right. I remember Columbine, even though I was only 9 years old. I didn't understand and was so confused. And even 5 years ago with Virginia Tech I was confused. Although I understood what had happened more than I did at the age of 9, it still confused me. Now, I'm 22 years old and I still don't understand. Why would someone do this?

Gun control has always been an ongoing battle in this country. The arguments heated up again after the tragedy at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado (a place not too far from Columbine). But, they have intensified to the extreme after 20 children under the age of 10 and 6 educators were killed yesterday. 

Gun control is an issue. More people in the United States have died due to gun violence than people in the entire world outside the US combined. The facts don't lie- there is a problem in this country. The fights will be never-ending and when the government makes a decision on it, there will still be fights. Mental illness will also be addressed more so than ever before. Many of the mass shootings our country has endured have been as a result of mental illness. It's something we cannot ignore. I am not saying that people with mental illness are poised to do bad things like the gunman did yesterday. But, if we ignore the signs and don't help our friends get treatment, they can further hurt themselves. We as a country need to help those with mental illness and learn about the signs to help them heal.

I don't know what the future holds, but all we can do now is come together as a nation and mourn. Mourn those beautiful lives who were lost and the heroes who died yesterday at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut  And help our country heal together and move forward. Truth is, the world will never be the same anymore after the events of yesterday.

Rest in peace to those 26 lives taken too soon yesterday. It's so sad when we are so close to a holiday that celebrates life and peace.

There's one Christmas song that has been sung by many. And I'm going to leave you with that song, here sang by Jack Johnson- "Someday at Christmas"

Monday, December 10, 2012

Body Image Issues

Storytime: The other day on my Facebook, I posted a little rant about how women do not wear their appropriate size. It is a personal pet peeve of mine to see women wearing clothing way too small for them. Frankly, it's gross. But, then I started to wonder why this is such a frequent trend, leading me to quite an epiphany.

Just this week, CBS aired it's extremely popular "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show." Models walked up and down the runway in sexy lingerie and limited clothing. The tweets and facebook statuses during the show were endless. Many women though said the same status- "I wish I could LOOK like a Victoria's Secret model."

Here's just a preview of what some of the ladies looked like:
There's no doubt that these girls are beautiful, but they're also portraying an unrealistic image. Most of these females are 5'7'' and a Size 2, something that's a requirement in the modeling world. Women who are over that size are turned away. Pretty much all of my friends are beautiful women, but I don't think any of them fit this requirement.

And honestly, that is okay. But, according to Victoria's Secret, the modeling world and Hollywood, that is nowhere near okay.

Women labeled as desirable didn't used to fit into this requirement. The hottest star in the 1950's was a buxom blonde named Marilyn Monroe. This is what she looked like:

She is listed as probably one of the most beautiful starlets to ever grace Hollywood. And today, she would be considered fat. Popular UK Department Store Debenham's has listed her the best beach body of all time, even 50 years after her death. Her size? 37-23-36,  probably equivalent to a size 8, at most a 10! A SIZE TEN PEOPLE!

Her curves were desired by so many women and men alike, and people still admire her. Yet, women strive to be skinny when Marilyn admired her curves and could care less. Back then, curves were a desire. It wasn't until the fame of models like Twiggy did skinny get in. But, how people today say they want to look like Marilyn yet starve themselves baffle me. The woman was curvy and would not fit into the fashion model requirements of today at all. In today's world, Marilyn would be blasted by the tabloids for her figure. I honestly find it astonishing that those magazines talk about how beautiful she is and then go on to slam an actress who has gain some weight that would be comparable to Miss Monroe.

There are days when I think the world is starting to change and realize that the perfect body stereotype is a lie. America's Next Top Model crowned a plus-sized model. Kim Kardashian is listed as one of the top bodies in the world and also flaunts a curvier figure. Stars like Jessica Simpson and Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett have shown the world how difficult it is for a woman to lose weight after pregnancy.

It's still not enough, though. Many normal girls are slammed everyday for being fat and not skinny enough. The popular television show, Glee, is portraying a girl struggling with bulimia right now. Eating disorders are common and even more men these days are struggling with it.

That's why I am a HUGE fan of the Dove Real Women campaign.

I had the honor of meeting one of the 6 women who were featured in the campaign, Stacy Nadeau (seen here on the right). Today, she is a motivational speaker who goes across college campuses nationwide to talk about body issues. Stacy herself received criticism for the Dove Campaign- one journalist said he hated seeing her fat butt everyday on the way to work. But, women around the world rejoiced and defended Stacy. She is nowhere near a size 2, but that hasn't stopped her. She is proud and comfortable in her body and America fell in love with the Dove campaign (take away the criticism of the campaign for being owned by the same company as Axe).

Although there are strides in the beauty world to define what is attractive, America is still nowhere near where we need to be. As long as we have the Victoria's Secret Fashion show every fall showing us what women should look like to be sexy, the conversation will still be ongoing.

I may have criticized many people the other day for pointing out how women should wear their correct size. And you should- don't be so in denial that you're a larger size than you want to be. You should feel comfortable in your own skin. And, if you don't that is okay. Wear the size and then work on getting that extra weight off. Believe me, when the clothes are way too large for you, it will feel amazing.

I just ask women to be the size they are most comfortable in. Don't worry about what others think of you. It may seem hard (and it is hard) to accept. It was hard for me for a long time. But, once I started wearing clothes that made me look and feel good, I felt comfortable. And I'm definitely a happier person now. Am I a size 4 like I was in high school? No, and sometimes I do miss those days. But, I definitely am happy right now where I am today, and that's fine by me. Don't worry about what those models look like; screw them and Victoria's Secret and the media. Just be yourself and happy.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Penn State Greek Life's PR Crisis


I've learned a lot about crisis PR from Penn State, especially after my school became a punchline in the PR world with its handling of Jerry Sandusky. Unfortunately, its Greek Life, which I was a part of at the university, is also under scrutiny.

Recently, a photo went viral that featured the Chi Omega chapter at Penn State. The ladies were at a Mexican-themed social event and were wearing sombreros and dressed in ponchos. Some were wearing mustaches but what really got many people up in arms is the signs that they were holding. One sign read: "Will mow lawn for weed and beer" and the other said "I don't cut grass I smoke it."

One of the first things I learned from being a part of organizations (and not just greek life, but any organization or job) is to be extremely careful what is posted online. Certain posts or photos can put you in a negative light. Unfortunately, whoever posted this photo online was clearly not thinking or thought it was a funny photo, and now the entire sorority is being investigated and a suspension is possible.

This could have blown away a little quicker. The sorority's president released a statement yesterday apologizing for the photo. But, Penn State PHC decided to extend an invitation to expand and try and let Delta Delta Delta back in. Three years ago, Tri-Delta was kicked off campus for hazing and were told in three years they could come back. Since it has been exactly three years, Penn State's PHC decided, why not?

Bad move. Why would you try and bring back a sorority who got kicked off for hazing while you're investigating another sorority for posting a racist photo online? Delta Delta Delta declined the offer, but had they accepted it, things could have been worse for PHC.

I am an alumna of a sorority at Penn State. Hearing this on the news was disheartening. I do know a few women who were a part of the Chi Omega sorority and they are wonderful people. I know it's even more disheartening for them to see this on the news as well. 

Here's what Penn State needs to do: put them on probation and/or suspend them for the remainder of the semester immediately. This photo has got way more people outside the university up in arms. After what happened with Sandusky/Paterno last year, Penn State should know better. The semester is almost over; suspending them now is appropriate but probation is a must. The photo should not have been posted and something like this should not be happening- as sorority women you are held to a much higher standard. It's not always fair but it is the truth. This is a big NO NO and any business that would have put a photo like that up would have terminated whoever was responsible for now and put those employees on leave. If they are not punished, it basically says that it's okay what they did even if they are really sorry.

I know it's tough to do but it needs to be done. The sorority must be punished in some way. The statement was good and I'm glad the president put it out there but Chi Omega in general needs to do lots of damage control. I think they should get in contact with any club associated with students of Mexican background and the NAACP and issue statements as a WHOLE there. Education is the first step and even if they realize now that they were wrong, they should get in touch with these groups and talk about why this is wrong. They can become leaders against discrimination. Chi Omega should take steps in preventing prejudice on campus.

They should basically take a stand like Penn State did. The university has become a leader in the fight against child abuse and some of the organizations that have sprung up since the scandal last year have shined a new light. More people are proud of what Penn State has accomplished since last year.

When I was a student at Penn State, I saw so many signs condemning racism and hatred of other cultures. The photo does depict the exact opposite. If Penn State is truly against discrimination, they need to seek action against Chi Omega (it's only appropriate). It's unfortunate because I honestly think the sisters were not trying to be racist but rather witty. Unfortunately, it was racist and they need to have some form of punishment. Probation is a must and suspension cannot be overlooked. 

Penn State Panhellenic also should have some form of regulation on social media. Is it free speech? Yes, but there do need to be rules. Many clubs, organizations and teams have rules when it comes to social media and PHC should as well. All chapter presidents should meet together and accept the changes and pass it on to the chapter women. 

I love Penn State Greek Life. Many members of the greek community go on to have successful careers. Incidents like these are what brings them down. It's how you respond that is important. When a IFC prospect died after attending fraternities, many things changed and it made social life at Penn State safer. It seemed strict and unnecessary at the time but now, it works very well and is efficient. Penn State Greek Life should look at this PR Crisis and take some good out of it. It seems like strides are being taken but more needs to be done. The people who were involved need to be held accountable and the rest of PHC needs to work together to make sure an incident like this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

I think Penn State PHC will recover from this and I hope they are able to bounce back from the negative backlash they have received. I know the women who are apart of PHC are strong and intelligent and I am confident they will realize what needs to be done. And I wish luck to Chi Omega; I hope that you will be able to bounce back too and learn from this mistake.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Off to Plan B because...

I didn't get the internship.

Big huge bummer to a wonderful day as well. I was starting to feel good about my chances because I hadn't been flat out denied yet. But, I knew my interview was not up to par. I went on my dashboard about a half hour ago and saw the dreaded "No Longer in Consideration" there. 

So, now it's off to Plan B.

Plan A was to get this internship and work my butt off at it. I knew it was going to be a long shot because I bombed the interview. But, had they shocked me and given me the internship, then I could work and get my name out there to move up.

Unfortunately, that isn't working out. So it's off to Plan B, which is much harder. It isn't a full-proof plan but if I do it right, it could work.

Today, I met with a communications manager for the program I am on. Her name was Christina and she was extremely friendly and helpful with all the questions I had. My main question was this: If I didn't get the internship (which we now know is the case), can I still get a full-time job at the end of this? One of my big fears is that I stay at a salaried job that's not truly affiliated with communications. Yes, it has elements that any communications pro would need but it's not necessarily a comm job that has the training it would need. Plus, after this program is done, I will actually have nothing. So, what do I do then?

Christina was very enthusiastic and said, yes. I remember many people I've met through a marketing class I've taken have started out where I am at now but never did the whole professional internship level. She told me to put myself out there and keep networking because if people know what I want and see that drive in me, they'll remember me and I can get to where I want to get to.

So, my plan is kind of what I stated when I started this blog.

I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. One of my friends told me tonight that I wasn't meant for this internship and something better will come along. I believe in this extension and I know I am meant to work for the Mouse. So, here are my plans:

I am going to go to networking events and meet with people. I am going to keep talking to people. See if any of my managers know people. Keep in contact with the people I met already and keep them updated. I will update my profiles here on this blog and on my new LinkedIn account.

I know I am destined for great things here. But, I'm going to have to work hard at the lowest level to move up to where I want to go. It's not going to be easy but I need to believe in myself. I know I can do this and I know I will work hard.

I'm just going to remember my road to THON. I wanted to dance in THON so bad. So, I contacted someone named Paula who was starting up a THON organization and needed some help. She took me and a kid named Aaron along for the ride. We started a group on scratch and soon became the best of friends. We worked hard and sometimes we felt discouraged but we kept going at it because we believed in THON. Paula and I became dance partners and extremely good friends and being able to dance for all 46 hours was one of my highest achievements.

If I can do that and stand for 46 for cancer, I can do this.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Should the Kansas City Chiefs have played yesterday?

When it comes to crisis communications, you have to prepare for anything to happen at any time. You will either succeed at it or ultimately fail. And failure could mean the end. But sometimes, there are crises that no one, in their wildest dreams, could think of and ultimately, even you cannot decide what's best.

Such was the case this past Saturday, December 1st. News started rolling in that there was a shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs practice facility and a player was shot. Soon, the news stated that the player was dead. And then, the truth was told- the player shot himself in front of the head coach and GM not long after killing his girlfriend (and the mother of his young baby).

Jovan Belcher was a 25-year old starting linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs. Many said he was a loving man and were shocked by the news. Starting QB Brady Quinn couldn't put the pieces together when the coach who witnessed the shooting brought the team together and told them later that day.

Although the tragedy was a shock itself, even more shocking was the decision for the Chiefs game to go on as scheduled and that Romeo Crennel, the head coach who saw Belcher shoot himself, would also be on the sidelines coaching.

I personally could not understand how the game could go on as scheduled. FOX Sports contributor Jason Whitlock also couldn't. He said himself that this was no time to play football and that Roger Goodell should have cancelled the game himself.

So, should they still have played?
The Kansas City Chiefs went on to have an emotional win yesterday against the Carolina Panthers. But, was it okay to celebrate, especially after one of their own killed someone and himself?

Ultimately, there's no right or wrong answer. Jovan Belcher was a Chief, but the Chiefs are not Jovan Belcher. The inner demons inside of this man do not define the Kansas City Chiefs. It was up to them personally with how to play the game. They played and they won and the ghost of Jovan Belcher definitely haunted them throughout the day.

Many people can be angry that the game was played because someone was killed by a player on that team. And many people can be scratching their heads as to why the coach still coached.

Ultimately, it was up to him. Maybe he just needed to forget about what he saw. He said he wouldn't be talking about it and we can't blame him. I don't know and I hope many don't know what it feels like to see what he saw. Romeo Crennel needs to move on and we must let him.

But what about the team themselves? Should they celebrate the victory? It was hard for many of them to celebrate, but what was the statement exactly? That we move on from tragedy and overcome?

Something like this is hard and there's never going to be an answer. For the Chiefs, they played the game they loved for the fans who love them without their linebacker. It was their coach's call and that's what he wanted- to play the game. So maybe, they won for him, to help him heal from what he witnessed and could not stop.

The best thing for the Kansas City Chiefs to do is let go of Jovan Belcher. Support his family and daughter but let go of him. Let the police do what they need to do with this case and keep playing football.

Normalcy is the best medicine in the wake of tragedy. The Chiefs did what they needed to do. People will argue for days, maybe weeks, as to whether they did the right thing. Yes, two people are dead and a child is parent-less. The NFL needs to help support her. The Chiefs need to keep playing ball. And we all need to hope that one day, something like this will never happen again.